After reading this issue, I decided to poke around in the history of rustc
's runtime performance.
NOTE: The benchmarks are now normalized against the first result in each individual series. So a value of 1.0 means "roughly similar performance as the first measure in the series."
After some feedback on the reddit thread where I posted this, I've made a few changes here:
cargo bench
(yet).This data was generated using secondstring, a benchmark tracking tool I'm working on (it's still pretty rudimentary right now). At the moment it only supports running specified crate versions and git repo commits against a range of nightly compiler dates. It doesn't have any analysis built-in and just saves some JSON of the results. Soon I'd like to add automatic regression detection, but for now I just wanted to do a little graphing of the data.
Using my completely 100% scientific method of benchmark selection (a combination of finding benchmarks among the most downloaded crates and searching for "benchmark"), I picked recent commits from ~20 repositories that support running cargo bench
in their root directory and ran their benchmarks against nightly compilers from 9/1/15 to 2/11/16. The repositories' benchmarks were pinned to a single commit each, so this runs the same code across all of the compiler versions. All benchmarks were run on the same machine (i7-6700k) running Arch Linux.
I took the geometric mean of all benchmark functions for each day, and plotted them below. This should (although I'm certainly not a statistician) provide a performance index for each crate that varies independently of the relative benchmark times of functions (i.e. a 10% variation in a 1000ns function should affect the geometric mean about as much as a 10% variation in a 10ns function).
I'd be more than interested in hearing about a better way to reduce these benchmarks to a single index, as I'd eventually like to include a regression detector in secondstring. I had initially tried graphing each bench function separately, but that's hundreds of series and I just don't think it's practical.
Since I'm not terribly familiar with geometric means, I don't know what percentage variation in the index corresponds to in terms of actual performance. From the reading I've done, it seems like a 25% change in a single benchmark function would have a ~12% change in the index, which can be stacked multiple times for shifts in multiple bench functions.
All of the code for generating the graphics is at the end of this post.
import datetime import json import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.dates as mdates import numpy as np from scipy.stats.mstats import gmean benches = {} # process the JSON saved by secondstring with open('example-benchmarks.json') as m: manifest_data = json.loads(''.join(m.readlines())) raw_benches = manifest_data['benches'] for b in raw_benches: name = b['name'] benches[name] = {} results = b['results'] # for successful benchmarks, accumulate a list of all function average times for date, r in results.items(): if r.get('Success', None) is not None: bench_run = r['Success']['times'] for bench_fn in bench_run: if date not in benches[name]: benches[name][date] = [] time = bench_run[bench_fn]['avg_time_ns'] benches[name][date].append(time) def normalize_against_first(bench_results): tpls = [(d, avgs) for d, avgs in bench_results.items()] tpls = sorted(tpls) first = tpls[0] normalized = {} for date, avgs in bench_results.items(): normalized[date] = [a / f for a, f in zip(avgs, first[1])] return normalized # prep a pandas dataframe of each benchmark suite def data_frame_for_benchmark(bench_results): # parse the dates and calculate the geometric mean bench_results = normalize_against_first(bench_results) bench_results = {datetime.datetime.strptime(d, '%Y-%m-%d'): np.array(v) for d, v in bench_results.items()} bench_results = {d: gmean(times) for d, times in bench_results.items()} # create a dataframe for plotting frame = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(bench_results, orient='index') if frame.size > 0: # sort by date frame = frame.sort_index() return frame else: # handle benchmarks that had all of their functions ignored return None # plot a time series for a given benchmark def plot_benchmark(bench_times): frame = data_frame_for_benchmark(bench_times) if frame is not None: plt.figure() frame.plot(legend=False) plt.ylim([0.5, 1.5]) plt.xlim([datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 1), datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 11)])